Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PlayStation VR, and PlayStation Plus owners new content, add-ons, games, and more. Here is the complete global PlayStation Store update. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday to keep up to date with each week’s PlayStation Store Update.
North American Update
June’s PlayStation Plus Lineup
- God of War
- Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker
- Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
PS4 & PS5 Games
- Arcade Archives SPACE SEEKER $7.99
- Armed Emeth PS4 & PS5 $14.99
- ASTRO AQUA KITTY Bundle PS4 & PS5 $14.99
- Autonauts PS4 & PS5 $19.99
- Barn Finders $19.99
- Burger Fun $2.99
- Burger Fun PS5 $2.99
- Crazy Chicken Xtreme $24.99
- Crazy Chicken Xtreme PS5 $24.99
- CyberHive $8.99
- Dadish 3 $9.99
- DEATHRUN TV PS5 $14.99
- Deep Diving Adventures $19.99
- The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: High Isle – PS4 & PS5 $59.99
- The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: High Isle CE – PS4 & PS5 $79.99
- Fall Guys PS4 & PS5 Free
- Final Vendetta PS5 $24.99
- Flatout Pixel Racing $4.99
- The Game of Life 2 $29.99
- The Game of Life 2 – Complete Collection $34.99
- The Gardens Between PS4 & PS5 $19.99
- Grand Theft Auto V PS4 & PS5 $59.99
- Hell’s High Harmonizers PS5 $12.99
- Horse Riding – Breakthrough Gaming Arcade $0.99
- Immortus Temporus PS5 $4.99
- The Jumping Hot Dog $1.49
- The Jumping Hot Dog: TURBO $2.99
- The Jumping Hot Dog: TURBO PS5 $2.99
- The Jumping Hot Dog PS5 $1.49
- Lump Jump $1.49
- Lump Jump PS5 $1.49
- Milky Way Prince – The Vampire Star PS4 & PS5 $14.99
- Minigolf Adventure $4.99
- Outbreak Silver Collection PS4 & PS5 $74.99
- Overwatch 2: Watchpoint Pack $39.99
- Oxide Room 104 $24.99
- Oxide Room 104 PS5 $29.99
- Raining Coins PS4 & PS5 $5.99
- Redout 2 – Deluxe Edition PS4 & PS5 $44.99
- Redout 2 PS4 & PS5 $29.99
- Shadowrun: Dragonfall – Director’s Cut PS4 & PS5 $19.99
- Shadowrun: Hong Kong – Extended Edition PS4 & PS5 $19.99
- Shadowrun Returns PS4 & PS5 $19.99
- Shadowrun Trilogy PS4 & PS5 $39.99
- The Shogun Ultimate $19.99
- The Spidy D $1.49
- The Spidy D PS5 $1.49
- System of Souls $14.99
- Tales of Aravorn: Seasons of the Wolf PS4 & PS5 $19.99
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge $24.99
- Thunder Kid II: Null Mission PS4 & PS5 $7.99
- Unicorn Break PS5 $6.99
- Weben Blocks $1.49
- Weben Blocks PS5 $1.49
- Zorro The Chronicles $34.99
- Zorro The Chronicles PS5 $34.99
Next Page: European Update »